We Dont Dial 911

We Dont Dial 911

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Call to Action

In a commentary on Statesman.com titled Texas’ Education System Deserves Better, the author Texas Representative Eddie Rodriguez raises some serious concerns about the education system in Texas. Mr. Rodriguez calls for a change, a major change of how the Texas education system receives its funding. In a very clear and concise argument he lays forth the significant pitfalls that our education system faces. He makes it very clear that the way our education system is funded needs reform. It is disturbing as a college student to think that the cost of my education is going to amount to a small fortune in student loans if I want to attend a public university. The cost to attend the University of Texas has risen 44 percent in the last four years, this hits really close to home. Mr. Rodriguez explains how this outrageous increase happened in his commentary. It was under House Speaker Tom Craddick that public universities were allowed to deregulate their tuition. Unfortunately, not just Texas’ higher education is in need of some serious reform, this problem makes its way to the K12 schools as well. In many school districts where the primary funding comes from property taxes, schools are finding themselves short the precious resources they need in order to operate and educate tomorrow’s leaders. Many of these districts have opted to raise their property taxes the maximum of four percent allowed by law to try to cover their expenses. It is very, very clear that something has to change if we want OUR kids to have a quality education here in Texas. From the commentary you can tell Representative Rodriguez is a democrat. Even if the (D) after his name was cut off it would not be too hard for the reader to infer which side Mr. Rodriguez is playing for. Mr. Rodriguez clearly has a democratic reader in mind as he repeatedly calls for change to the Republican policies enacted under Mr. Craddick. Overall, the commentary is very effective in raising concern. The information laid forth in this commentary is not to be taken lightly as education is one of the most important things in today’s society. The only thing that seems to be missing in Mr. Rodriguez’s commentary is how exactly to fix the problems our education system faces. Perhaps that is for a different venue all together, a call to action is better than nothing.

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